FTIR Spectroscopy

In the infrared spectral range the absorption of radiation is associated with the excitation of molecular vibrations. The absorption bands occurring in the IR spectra can be assigned to the vibrations of specific valences of molecules or molecular groups. The identification of these bands is possible with the help of existing extensive databases of IR spectra and model calculations.



  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of liquids, gels and solids using a Golden Gate ATR with diamond reflective element
  • Emission spectroscopy for the analysis of solids in vacuum, air or inert gas
  • In situ measurements of various molten salts and ionic liquids in inert atmospheres at temperatures of 20-850°C
  • Transmission spectroscopy for the analysis of liquids and liquid films




  • Equinox 55 (Bruker) FTIR spectrometer with two external parallel outputs and one input for emission measurements; spectral resolution 0.5 cm-1
  • “Golden Gate” ATR unit with diamond reflection lens and KRS5 lenses (allows measurement range up to 370cm-1)
  • MIR source (water-cooled) for higher energy throughput in the measuring range 7,500-100 cm-1
  • Beam splitter for measuring ranges from 12,000cm-1to 10cm-1
  • Rapid Scan Mode: 60 scans / sec (at 8 cm-1resolution)
  • Step Scan Mode: Time resolution in μs to ns range for reversible processes•Sensitive (DTGS, MCT, DLATGS) detection systems for the wavelength range of 12,000cm-1to 10cm-1
  • 320 Nicolet FTIR spectrometerwith microscope in the measuring range 7400cm-1to 400cm-1




  • plastics, polymers and paints
  • salt residues of pickling
  • monomergranulates
  • solvents
  • galvanic baths (fororganic additives)
  • ionic liquids


Requirements for solid samples:


  • maximum size 8 x 8 cm
  • minimum size 0.1 x 0.1 cm
  • maximum height 0.2 cmsmooth or soft surface


Requirements for liquid samples:


  • not too corrosive
  • no high vapor pressures
Verschiedene Zellen für FTIR

Cells for FTIR measurements

FTIR Emissionsspektren von Titan(IV) Komplexen in hochtemperatur- Salzschmelzen, 720-800°C
FTIR Emissionsspektren von Titan(IV) Komplexen in hochtemperatur- Salzschmelzen, 720-800°C

FTIR emission spectra of titanium (IV) complexes

in high-temperature molten salt, 720-800°C