Korea OEAD

Nanostructure controlled polymer decorated electrospun nanofiber towards anti-icing surface

Project coordinator @ CEST: Dr. Carmen Vladu

Project abstract:

The “Nanostructure controlled polymer decorated electrospun nanofiber towards anti-icing surface” project received funding from OeAD to strengthen Austria-Korea collaboration.

Ice formation causes great technical problems in many industrial fields such as aviation, wind energy and power lines, while causing high costs. Water and ice-repellent coatings have already shown that they are basically able to reduce the formation and adhesion of ice. Further improvement in the icephobic properties is still necessary to ensure continued functionality and durability.

The main scientific objective of the Austria-Korea joint mobility project is the development of innovative, ice-repellent surfaces. Ice-repellent behavior will be assured by coating electrospun nanofibers with functionalized polymers which have lubricant properties. In this way will be assured the preservation of slippery and anti-ice surface properties over the whole lifecycle.

The interdisciplinary approach will be the basis to create new fundamental knowledge, which will be disseminated via publications in leading international journals. Knowledge transfer and establishment of future international cooperation is a major advantage for enlarging the sight of researchers.

General info:

Program: OeAD bilateral action Austria-Korea

Funding agency: OeAD

Project duration: 1.08.2020 – 31.07.2022

Project partners: Sungkyunkwan University of Korea, group of prof. Changsik Song