Coast 2022 – 1st Conference of Applied Surface Technology

On May 16th and 17th our 1st Conference of Applied Surface Technology will take place at our Headquarter in Wiener Neustadt.

Enclosed you will find a short overview of the tentative sessions and confirmed speakers.

If you would like to attend, please register at with your full name and contact details (email, telephone number) by 16.04.2022.

In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in person at our COAST 2022 conference in 2700 Wiener Neustadt and hopefully successful kick-off.

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022

Around 250 research teams are getting ready to take you into the fascinating world of research and science on May 20, 2022!


Together we make science and research from Austria visible and tangible! More than 2,000 stations, guided tours, workshops, lectures, live presentations and experiments await you throughout Austria.

We would like to show you what research & science from Austria can do: what contribution the individual teams make. The progress and innovations we contribute to

Come visit us!

Do you want to be there and not miss any news? Then subscribe to our channel and  @LangeNachtderForschung on Instagram  or  Facebook. Also take part in the LNF Facebook event in your state to get regional tips & news:

We are looking forward to meeting you!

34th Symposium on Surface Science

As a sponsor, CEST participated last week in the 3S conference of the institute of applied physics (IAP), TU Wien: 34th Symposium on Surface Science (3S’22).

The speakers from CEST were Markus Valtiner, Markus Ostermann, Pierluigi Bilotto, Ulrich Ramach and Matteo Olgiati.

The conference seeks to promote the growth of scientific knowledge and its effective exchange among scientists in the field of surface physics and chemistry and related areas, including applied topics.

The scientific program included oral presentation on topics such as:

  • Surface Structure
  • Reactions and dynamics at surfaces
  • Particle-surface interactions
  • Epitaxial growth
  • Absorption and desorption
  • Applied surface and interface science
  • Heterostructures
Cr Free REAL

Cr Free REAL is in the “Clean Aviation” news

Cr Free REAL

The Cr Free REAL project (Horizon Europe – Clean Sky 2) coordinated by CEST is highlight by Clean Aviation, in a dedicated article. The main objective of the project was to develop a green, Cr free process for oxide layers stripping from various aluminium alloys. More info can be found here:

“The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s H2020 for the Clean Sky joint technology initiative under grant agreement no. 831991”.

Heli Ice Safe (HIS)

FFG Success-Story: Heli Ice Safe (HIS)

Test object in the RTA ice-wind tunnel. Icing on the fuselage has been rated „not critical“

The project Heli Ice Safe (HIS) was highlighted as Success Story by FFG. CEST was involved as project partner and successfully worked in close collaboration with Villinger Gmbh (project coordinator) and Austrian Institute for Icing Sciences (AIIS), Heliair, and RTA Rail Tec Arsenal Fahrzeugversuchsanlagen GmbH, the project evaluated potential thermoelectric de-icing systems for small helicopters – such helicopters are used as rescue helicopters by Emergency Medical Services. Up to now, such de-icing systems are only available for large helicopters.

Besides a thermoelectric de-icing system for the rotors, a test facility (Spin Rig) has been developed, which allows dynamic tests of rotating parts under icing conditions, where the impact of centrifugal forces on the components can be investigated under icing conditions.

CEST part was testing of the de-icing system on coupon level, which included characterization of the heating layer via SEM / cross-section, mechanical testing, thermoelectric testing (cycling, max. operation temperature test), and climate tests (temperature / humidity cycling).

The project HIS (861096, Runtime 2017-2021) has been funded in the FFG Take-Off programme and by the BMVIT.

More details here: #Success-Story: Vereiste Rotoren im Klimawindkanal | FFG

Thermoelectric test on coupon level – Temperature measurement with a FLIR-camera

Special Olympics Austria Partnership 2021

CEST supports the athletes of Special Olympics Austria. In this way, we enable Special Olympics Austria to give special people moments of happiness and to achieve unimagined success.

Funding: Sustainable research in Lower Austria

The Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung Niederösterreich (Society for Research Promotion in Lower Austria)) has decided to fund our project Nanofiber based membranes for CO2 capture (nanoMEM) as part of the FTI-Call 2019: “Klimawandel”.

This technology will provide a trusted, affordable, alternative solution to reducing negative carbon footprints and we are delighted that this cause is supported.

Continue reading (german): diePresse

2021 ELSA Workshop Vienna

Am 13.September 2021 fand an der TU Wien die Vorstellung des Analytik-Cluster ELSA (The Electrochemical Surface and Interface Analysis Cluster) statt.

Der neu entstehende Analytik-Cluster ELSA ist ein Meilenstein für die elektrochemische Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenanalytik am CEST und an der TU Wien. Dadurch wird eine große Breite an Forschung und Entwicklung für zukunftsträchtige Lösungen in Bereichen Batterie- und Brennstoffzellentechnik (Energieumwandlung und Speicherung), Elektrochemie an Halbleitern, Katalysatoren für die Wasserspaltung und CO 2 Reduktion, und zur Vorbeugung von korrosiver Degradation von strukturellen und funktionellen Materialien ermöglicht. ELSA umfasst unter anderem:
• Eine Kombination von 3 operando Elektrochemiezellen mit AES und hochaufgelöster XPS.
• Eine Batterie- und Hochtemperaturzelle, Brennstoff- und fest/flüssig Grenzflächenzelle, sowie
eine photo-elektrochemische Zelle (CS 1 – 3).
• Kopplung an Kelvinsonde für in-situ elektrochemische Potentialmessungen.
• Transfer in inerter Atmosphäre.
• Optionale Anschlüsse beispielsweise für spätere IR- oder Ramankopplung.
• Erweiterung und Gestaltung mit Projektpartnern möglich


Ab 9:00 Eintreffen, Kaffee & Kuchen
9:30–12:00 Begrüßung und Vorstellung ELSA (Start Onlinestreaming via ZOOM)
Univ. Prof. Dr. Markus Valtiner, wissenschaftlicher Leiter CEST und
Angewandte Physik der TU Wien.
Dr. Annette Foelske, Leiterin Analytical Instrumentation Center (AIC).

Plenarvortrag Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Grundmeier, Universität Paderborn, mit Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Industrie

Vorstellung und Diskussion der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von ELSA
für Industrie und Wissenschaft.

Ab 12:00 Lunch Buffet

Sponsorship OBSV 2021

The OBSV thanks CEST GmbH for its sustained commitment in connection with the promotion of sport for people with disabilities to improve health and mobility, to increase the quality of life, to integrate into society and to educate people about sporting success at national and international level.