CEST at the I-CONECT 2023 conference

Our senior researcher Dr. Soniya Gahlawat was invited to deliver a talk at I-CONECT 2023 conference (International conference on nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis) from 20-22nd March in Delhi, India. 

She presented an overview of her research with prime focus on her ongoing project (ELSA facility) along with her published work on photoelectrochemical water splitting.  She was delighted to get the opportunity to talk about electrochemical surface and interface analysis (ELSA) cluster), and to establish new collaborations.

We started 2023 with the calibration of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) instruments, major parts of ELSA cluster. Both XPS and AES facilities are in fully operational mode now.