Visit of Prof. Gogotsi at our ELSA lab!

It was a great honor for us to meet Prof. Yury Gogotsi, one of the discoverers of MXenes and leader in 2D material science. Prof. Gogotsi gave a lecture on MXenes at TU Wien explaining the incredible properties of MXenes and their applications in many fields such as catalysis, functional coatings, and energy storage. Prof. Gogotsi visited our ELSA facility and different groups at TU Wien (Prof Dominik Eder, Dr. Bayer-Skoff, and Prof. Carsten Gachot), including the Applied Interface Physics group of Prof. Markus Valtiner.

Our PhD students had the opportunity to discuss with him the best strategies to succeed in MXenes research. CEST is being successful in expanding its international collaboration and it looks forward to collaboration with key scientific partners around the world.