34th Symposium on Surface Science

As a sponsor, CEST participated last week in the 3S conference of the institute of applied physics (IAP), TU Wien: 34th Symposium on Surface Science (3S’22).

The speakers from CEST were Markus Valtiner, Markus Ostermann, Pierluigi Bilotto, Ulrich Ramach and Matteo Olgiati.

The conference seeks to promote the growth of scientific knowledge and its effective exchange among scientists in the field of surface physics and chemistry and related areas, including applied topics.

The scientific program included oral presentation on topics such as:

  • Surface Structure
  • Reactions and dynamics at surfaces
  • Particle-surface interactions
  • Epitaxial growth
  • Absorption and desorption
  • Applied surface and interface science
  • Heterostructures